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WSP Gender Norms scales

Gender Norms scales were developed by Egyptian researchers specicially for this field-driven study as a part of Family Health International's Women's Studies Project (WSP) to determine the impact of family planning on women's lives.

Developed by:

Cynthia Waszak (Family Health International), Lawrence J. Severy (University of Florida) Laila Kafafi (Tanta University), Isis Badawi (American University of Cairo)

Measure domains:

Equity for girls

Rights and privileges of males

Items and subscales:

14 items
2 subsscales

Outcomes predicted:

Fertility control behaviors: (a) current use of family planning and (b) number of living children.

Psychological stress measured as anxiety and depression

Study population(s):

Women of childbearing age in six metroplitan and rural governorates in Egypt recruited through a random sample household survey.

Additional information:

Gender norms scales were included with existing measures of self-esteem, depression, mood, and anxiety in the WSP Egypt survey.

Measure validated?:


Link(s) to Validation Study and/or Measure:

Citation of original article

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Waszak, C., Severy, L. J., Kafafi, L., Badawi, I. (2001). Fertility Behavior and Psychological Stress: The Mediating Influence of Gender Norm Beliefs Among Egyptian Women. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 25, 197-208.