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Femininity Ideology Scale (FIS)

The Femininity Ideology Scale (FIS) is a measure designed to assess the degree to which respondents endorse traditional femininity ideology or how women, in general, should act.

Developed by:

Ronald Levant, Katherine Richmond, Stephen Cook, A. Tanner House, Maryse Aupont

Measure domains:





Stereotypic Image and Activities

Items and subscales:

45 Item

5 Subscales

Outcomes predicted:


Cronbach's alpha:

"Full Scale: 0.93

Stereotypic Image and Activities: 0.89
Dependence/Deference: 0.83
Purity: 0.85
Care-taking: 0.80
Emotionality: 0.82"

Study population(s):

Undergraduate men and women in the USA between the ages of 17-45 years old enrolled in Psychology courses.

Additional information:

Validity assessed using the Bem Sex Role Inventory, the Male Role Norm Inventory, and the Feminist Identity Development Scale.

Measure validated?:


Link(s) to Validation Study and/or Measure:

Citation of original article

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Levant, R., Richmond, K., Cook, S., House, A. T., & Aupont, M. (2007). The Femininity Ideology Scale: Factor structure, reliability, convergent and discriminant validity, and social contextual variation. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, 57(5-6), 373-383.