Monica McLemore, PhD, MPH, RN
Monica McLemore is currently a tenured full professor at the University of Washington in the Schools of Nursing and Public Health. Prior to her departure from UCSF, she was a tenured associate professor in the Family Health Care Nursing Department and an affiliated investigator with Advancing New Standards in Reproductive Health. She currently holds the Thelma Shobe Endowed Chair. She retired from active clinical practice after a 28-year clinical nursing career in 2019; however, continues to provide flu and COVID-19 vaccines. Her program of research is focused on understanding reproductive health and justice. To date, she has 96 peer reviewed articles, OpEds and commentaries and her research has been cited in four amicus briefs to the Supreme Court of the United States, three National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine reports, and a data visualization project in the 2019 Future of Medicine edition of Scientific American.