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State law approaches to facility regulation of abortion and other office interventions

TRAP (Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers) laws subject abortion-providing facilities to different and more stringent requirements. This differential treatment suggests a lack of health benefit from TRAP laws, indicating they reduce access without justification. Legislators and policymakers seeking to protect women’s health would be better served by addressing abortion provision within the context of comparable health care services rather than via separate and different requirements.


TRAP (Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers) laws do not bring abortion-providing facilities in line with other health care facilities, but instead subject them to different and more stringent requirements. This differential treatment suggests a lack of health benefit from TRAP laws, indicating they reduce access without justification. Legislators and policymakers seeking to protect women’s health would be better served by addressing abortion provision within the context of comparable health care services rather than via separate and different requirements.