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Nail artist Virginia has an abortion with the support of her boyfriend Dean. Dean mentions supporting a woman's right to choose, and confronts anti-abortion protestors about their lack of support for children in the foster care system, sharing his own experience.

Virginia's friend Quiet Ann also accompanies her to the clinic, and they discuss taxpayer funding for abortion, contraception, and stereotypes of people who have abortions. Notably, as Quiet Ann, Dean, and Virginia walk into the clinic, the comedic, abortion-themed song "My Vag" from the show Bojack Horseman is playing in the background.

Virginia's abortion spurs disclosures from her friends: Polly shares that her dad raped her babysitter, who had an abortion, Quiet Ann says that she got pregnant when she was 14 and wanted an abortion, but couldn't get one. She carried the pregnancy to term and is still upset that her parents sent her baby to California. Jennifer says she had two abortions and "didn't think twice about it." Virginia wonders if her baby might be, "the next Obama," and Quiet Ann comforts her by saying she's not the smart one, and they laugh together.

After the abortion, Dean proposes to Virginia with a ring pop and she says yes. She and Dean walk out of the clinic and share with the protestors that they got engaged, which they take to mean that she didn't have an abortion. She proclaims, "We still D&C'ed that shit. Bitch!" 

Keywords: Pregnancy decision, past abortion.


Cracker Casserole



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