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Sexual Self-Concept Inventory (SSCI)

The Sexual Self-Concept Inventory (SSCI) is a meausure of an individual's view of him-or herself as a sexual person developed to assess this construct in an ethnically diverse sample of urban early adolescent girls.

Developed by:

Lucia F. O' Sullivan (Albert Einstein College of Medicine), Heino F. L. Meyer-Bahlburg (New York Psychiatric Institute), Ian W. McKeague (Columbia University)

Measure domains:

Sexual Arousability

Sexual Agency

Negative Sexual Affect

Items and subscales:

34 items

3 subscales

Cronbach's alpha:

Sexual Arousability: .91
Sexual Agency: .76
Negative Sexual Affect: .67

Study population(s):

Ethnically diverse, urban, adolescent girls ages 12-14

Measure validated?:


Citation of original article

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O'Sullivan, L.F., Meyer-Bahlburg,H.F.L.,& McKeague, I.W.,(2006). The Development of the Sexual Self-Concept Inventory for Early Adolescent Girls. Psychology of Women, 30(2), 139-149 doi: 10.1111/j.1471-6402.2006.00277.x