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Emancipated Decision-Making Scale (EDMS)

The Emancipated Decision-Making Scale (EDMS) is an instrument used to measure each of the sub-concepts of the Wittmann-Price Theory of Emancipated Decicion-making (EDM); a new theoretical model for nursing care to increase women's satisfaction with decision-making about healthcare issues.

Developed by:

Ruth A. Wittmann-Price (DeSales University)

Measure domains:


flexible environment

personal knowledge

reflection awareness of social norms

Items and subscales:

35 items

5 subscales

Outcomes predicted:

Satisfaction with the decision of infant feeding method

Cronbach's alpha:


pilot study (N=18)

Study population(s):

Majority white, upper-middle-class women ages 18-50 who delivered uncompromised term infants at a northeastern hospital and who had decided on and enacted an infant feeding method within the first day of birth.

Additional information:

Current study used a survey tool that included three instruments: the Subject Demographic Questionnaire (SDQ), the Emancipated Decision-Making Scale (EDMS), and the Satisfaction with Decision (SWD) scale to explore the relationship of emacipated decision-making and satisfaction with decision.

Measure validated?:


Link(s) to Validation Study and/or Measure:

Uses in Other Studies:
Cook K, Loomis C. The Impact of Choice and Control on Women's Childbirth Experiences. J Perinat Educ. 2012;21(3):158–68. doi: 10.1891/1058-1243.21.3.158.

Citation of original article

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Wittmann-Price R. A. (2006). Exploring the subconcepts of the Wittman-Price theory of emancipated decision-making in women’s health care. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 38(4), 377–382 10.1111/j.1547-5069.2006.00130.x