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Labour Agentry Scale (LAS)

The Labour Agentry Scale (LAS) is an instrument for measuring expectancies and experiences of personal control during childbirth. Multiple forms were created and tested (A, B, C and D) and include an antepartum and postpartum version.

Developed by:

Ellen D. Hodnett, Daryl A. Simmons-Tropea

Measure domains:


Items and subscales:

Form A = 76 items

Form B= 28 items

Forms C & D= 29 items

Outcomes predicted:


Ability to ambulate during labor

Forgoing analgesia and anesthesia

Perceived quality of human support during childbirth

Satisfaction with childbirth

Spontaneous births

Use of pharmacological pain-relief measures

Cronbach's alpha:

Form A= not reported
Form B= 0.98
Form C= 0.93

Study population(s):

Predominantly middle class, prenatally-educated, caucasian women from one Canadian city who experienced normal pregnancies.

Additional information:

Oliver's Labor Scale (1972) provided the basis for the development of the current measure.

Measure validated?:


Link(s) to Validation Study and/or Measure:

Uses in Other Studies:

Cheung, W., Ip, W.-Y., & Chan, D. (2007). Maternal anxiety and feelings of control during labour: a study of Chinese first-time pregnant women. Midwifery, 23(2), 123–130.

Citation of original article

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Hodnett, E. D., & Simmons-Tropea, D. A. (1987). The labour agentry scale: Psychometric properties of an instrument measuring control during childbirth. Research in Nursing & Health, 10(5), 301–310.