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Consumer-Constructed Empowerment Scale

The Consumer-Constructed Empowerment Scale is a valid and reliable scale to measure the personal construct of empowerment as defined by consumers of mental health services.

Developed by:

E. Sally Roger, Judi Chamberlin, Marsha Langer Ellison, Tim Crean

Measure domains:



community activism and autonomy righteous anger

optimism-control over the future

Items and subscales:

28 items

Outcomes predicted:

Quality of life

Number of traditional mental health services received

Number of community activities engaged in

Overall life satisfaction

Cronbach's alpha:


Study population(s):

Three Samples: adult participants in 6 consumer-run, self-help programs, patients hospitalized at a state facility, and college students.

Measure validated?:


Link(s) to Validation Study and/or Measure:

Uses in Other Studies:

Mizock, L. (2018). Development of a gender-sensitive and recovery-oriented intervention for women with serious mental illness. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal.

Citation of original article

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Rogers, E. S., Chamberlin, J., Ellison, M. L., & Crean, T. (1997). A consumer-constructed scale to measure empowerment among users of mental health services. Psychiatric Services, 48(8), 1042-1047.